In Joshua 1:9 we read this word from Yahweh to Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Moses was dead, giants and other unknown enemies awaited them across the Jordan river. From a human perspective there was much to fear, much to be discouraged about. Yet Yahweh instructs Joshua to not be discouraged, but rather to “be strong and courageous”. Yahweh reminds Joshua of His abiding presence.
I was recently reading in Paul Tripps book on Suffering and was greatly encouraged by the warning he offers regarding our times of discouragement.
Left unchecked, discouragement will become your eyes and ears, determining what you see and hear and how you see and hear it. Unchecked, it will become the master of your emotions and the ruler of your choices and actions. Unchecked, discouragement will rob you of your hope and motivation. It will steal your reason for doing good things. It will rob you of your ability to trust. It will make you closed, self-protective, and easily overwhelmed. Discouragement will sap you of your strength and courage. It will cause you to see negative where nothing is negative and miss the positive that is right in front of you. If given room, discouragement will tell you lies that have the power to destroy your life. Discouragement is natural for someone who is suffering, but it makes a very, very bad master.
If you find yourself in a moment or season of discouragement remember to “be strong and courageous”, remember that the LORD is with you. Look to Him. Lean on Him. Discouragement destroys but Yahweh delivers.