Hope from Psalm 93

Psalm 93 is short and full of hope for those who feel overwhelmed. Consider the picture the Psalmist paints in verses 3-4: The waves roar, O LORD, the waves roar, the waves roar and crash.Above the sound of the surging water, and the mighty waves of the sea, the LORD sits enthroned in majesty. Psalm...

George Muller Prays

Sunday I mentioned how George Muller spent his life praying for the conversion of 5 individuals. In the moment I could not remember the details, so I wanted to share them here. Muller writes in his own journal. In November 1844, I began to pray for the conversion of five individuals. I prayed every day...

What Do You Value?

Sunday we worked our way through 1 John 2:15-17, considering the command “Do not love the world or the things of the world”. To love the world is to live according to the things the world values. To love the Father is to live according to the things that He values. In the sermon I...

A Few Thoughts on Psalm 73

In Psalm 73 the Psalmist recounts a time when he was fighting against envy. He saw the wicked prospering and grew discouraged. As the Psalm unfolds the author – Asaph – returns to the LORD. In verses 25-26 he provides these powerful lines: Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on...

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